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We solve problems of any complexity

Importer of chemical raw materials from european largest manufacturers

Chemical raw materials for the paint and varnish industry

Chemical raw materials for the cosmetics industry

Chemical raw materials for pharmaceuticals

Chemical raw materials for building materials

Raw materials for the production of household chemicals

Our values
Long-term partnership
Only high-quality European products
Solving problems of any complexity
High professionalism of our specialists
A variety of service solutions for the client's task
Our advantages
The whole cycle of a turnkey deal
Recommendations from the largest manufacturers of the Russian and Belarus
Practical experience of working with complex European cargoes
All transactions comply with the legislation of the Russian
We have warehouses and offices in 6 countries
Possibility of delivery of combined cargoes
We supply unique European raw materials
Wide range (more than 1500 SKU)
Fill out the order form
Our managers will help you make an order on favorable terms
On this Internet resource, we provide a general overview of information about our company and the products we offer. All data is for informational purposes only. For more complete information and advice on specific products, we recommend contacting our competent managers.
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